Slow Sites Don't Rank. Speed It Up.

Bounce Rate = Load Time = Lost $

Before/After Google Site Speed Ranking
The average user has no patience for a website that takes more than a few seconds to load. Most WordPress site owners don't realize that and want to keep installing plugins bells and whistles that hurt their site and SEO more than help. The one size fits all CDN, and plugin caching are not enough. WordPress optimization is unique, and never a one size fits all approach. You need to individually dissect what items need to load for your site at each browser viewport.
Quickly increase your Wordpress speed. Page loading is an essential part of any website user experience.
Speed Killer: Wordpress templates & plugins load tons of excessive calls. Cut out the plugin JS/CSS bloat.
75% of users expect a site to load in 2 seconds or less.
Load faster on mobile and boost your SEO
If you sell 100k/day in products or services, a 1-second page loading delay could cost you 2.5 million per year in lost sales.
73% of users will click back if your website takes >2 seconds to load